Established by SukSuk.com, the biggest English Educational community in Korea, Suksuk Readers is site-based English education centers teaching reading English using authentic English books.
Overall language program based on Extensive Reading
Suksuk Readers promotes self-directed reading program through Guided Reading & Independent Reading. It concentrates on developing child's self-directed reading skills. It also offers an overall language studying program which helps children develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills based on acquired knowledge of English through extensive reading.
Reliable Reading Program
With books recommend by SuskSuk's 10 year experience and expertise, Suksuk Readers' reading program is composed of long time best-selling children books. Children across levels and ages can enjoy the library for it is made up of books from easy-to-read picture books to literary works such as Newberry books and classics.
Studying text books in English
Not only does SukSuk Readers concentrate on reading different genres of books, but it also focuses on creating and offering Intensive English Lesson Program based on textbooks currently used in the United States.